Author instructions

EBNEO background

Members of the International Society for Evidence-based Neonatology share a vision that all neonatal care should be firmly built on best available evidence. The vision includes as short a passage from research-based knowledge to implementation in neonatal care (translation), thereby improving survival, decreasing morbidities and promoting long-lasting health for newborn infants.

The overall goals are:

EBNEO commentaries

In keeping with our goals, in collaboration with and supported by Acta Paediatrica, EBNEO publishes monthly, concise, user-friendly and peer-reviewed summaries of the best original articles related to the clinical care of neonates. These summaries will provide readers with a “structured abstracts” of the primary literature, along with brief commentaries focusing on the clinical implication of the study reviewed. The commentary will be published in Acta Paediatrica, while the strucutured abstract will be available at the site.

EBNEO welcomes submissions of summaries of relevant clinical articles formatted as described below. The submission should include a cover letter that includes a brief description of why the article summarized was chosen, as well as a list of authors and their contributions to the submission. Submissions will follow the standardized format presented below. Submissions will be reviewed by the section editor and sent for peer-review.

Contact EBNEO before submission

To be certain that a commentary on a specific research paper is not already submitted – please email Clyde Wright and confirm that a commentary would be considered before you start writing.

How to submit

All submissions will be processed through the electronic manuscript system at Acta Paediatrica. Click on the link to get there.

Please note that electronic submission process includes some required steps that are not applicable for our work flow. For example, your submission will be halted unless you enter a “running title” and an “abstract”. Where suitable, please type not applicable.

Title page

The document that you upload needs to include a title page including:

You can download a template for MS Word here.

Review Format

The EBNEO reviews follow a specific format with the headings below. A structured abstract is followed by the author’s commentary. The commentary is limited to 500 words and 9 references. Please note that only the commentary shall include references.

While the full review is published on this web site ( while the commentary is also published in Acta Paediatrica, with its own citable DOI-number.

Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references by Arabic numerals (in parentheses). Observe the punctuation carefully. When more than six authors, list first six and add “et al”. Find examples below:

Download a template for MS Word here.

Review Headings


(please use the following format):
Manley BJ, Owen LS, Doyle LW, Andersen CC, Cartwribght DW, Pritchard MA, Donath SM, Davis PG. High-Flow Nasal Cannulae in Very Preterm Infants after Extubation. N Engl J Med 2013; 369:1425-33. PMID 24106935.


Choose from one of the following: prevention, treatment, diagnosis, prognosis, etiology, quality improvement or continuing medical education, economics of healthcare or interventions, clinical prediction guides, differential diagnosis, or systematic review.

asked in the study – please state in form of PICOT if appropriate (especially RCT)


Consider including demographics and details of interest to the reader.
Main results can be presented as a table


COMMENTARY, limited to 500 words

REFERENCES, only for the Commentary section and limited to 9
Number the references consecutively in the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. Identify references by Arabic numerals (in parentheses). Observe the punctuation carefully. When more than six authors, list first six and add “et al”. Find examples below:

