The International Society for Evidence-Based Neonatology (EBNEO) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting evidence-based neonatal practice. Our social media editors continuously curate the neonatal clinical research literature and identify highlights for real-time dissemination on popular platforms. Select publications are then summarized and made available on our website as free, structured reviews. Have questions or insights on articles we've shared? Join the growing conversation on Twitter, Facebook or LinkedIn!


We are delighted to announce that the 5th biennial conference will be held in collaboration with . Plan for a 2019 #neoEBM European autumn adventure, joining us in Newcastle, UK Sept. 12-13, 2019.

The NEC Society and Section of Pediatric Surgery at the University of Michigan, with support from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) and National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD), present the NEC Symposium.

The NEC Symposium will convene some of the most committed NEC stakeholders and provide the setting for discovery, collaboration, and sustained partnerships on patient-centered research.

EBNEO Impact Article of the Month

Each month, our Social Media Editors nominate articles that were selected as #ebneoalerts for consideration as the EBNEO Article of the Month.

We then ask you, the international #NeoEBM community, to select the winner by casting your vote on our website. See prior winners and check in at the beginning of each month to vote: ebneo.org/vote 

Congratulations to April's winner: Sweet et al. European Consensus Guidelines on the Management of Respiratory Distress Syndrome – 2019 Update - Neonatology (Download here)

EBNEO Alerts - April 2019

 Search #EBNEOAlerts on social media to find our curated highlights from the neonatal clinical research literature!


Apr 2: van Kampen et al. Early discharge of premature infants < 37 weeksgestational age with nasogastric tube feeding: the new standard of care? - European Journal of Pediatrics

Apr 5: Hansen et al. Gastrointestinal sequelae and growth impairment at schoolage following necrotising enterocolitis in the newborn period - Acta Paediatrica

Apr 6: Norman et al. Association Between Year of Birth and 1-Year SurvivalAmong Extremely Preterm Infants in Sweden During 2004-2007 and 2014-2016 - JAMA

Apr 10: Milgrom et al. Behavioural and cognitive outcomes following an earlystress-reduction intervention for very preterm and extremely preterm infants - Pediatric Research

Apr 12: Kumar et al. Platelet Transfusion for PDA Closure in Preterm Infants: ARandomized Controlled Trial - Pediatrics

Apr 14: Sweet et al. European Consensus Guidelines on the management of RDS-2019 update - Neonatology

Apr 16: Raba et al. Are antibiotics a risk factor for the development ofnecrotizing enterocolitis—case-control retrospective study - European Journal of Pediatrics

Apr 18: Jegatheesan et al. Neonatal outcomes in preterm multiples receivingdelayed cord clamping - ADC F&N

Apr 19: Ford et al. Improved feeding tolerance and growth are linked toincreased gut microbial community diversity in very-low-birth-weight infantsfed mother's own milk compared with donor breast milk - American Journal of Clinical Nutrition

Apr 20: Foglia et al. Association between Policy Changes for Oxygen SaturationAlarm Settings and Neonatal Morbidity and Mortality in Infants Born VeryPreterm - Journal of Pediatrics

Apr 23: Lodha et al. Association of Deferred vs Immediate Cord Clamping WithSevere Neurological Injury and Survival in Extremely Low-Gestational-AgeNeonates - JAMA Network Open

Apr 23: Odd et al. Prediction of school outcome after preterm birth: a cohortstudy - ADC

Apr 25: Ozcan et al. Severe Anemia Is Associated with Intestinal Injury inPreterm Neonates - American Journal of Perinatology

Apr 30: Janssen et al. Minimally invasive surfactant therapy failure: riskfactors and outcome - ADC F&N

EBNEO Reviews- April 2019

Search #EBNEOReviews on social media to read our reviews!


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International Society for Evidence-Based Neonatology
c/o Department of Neonatology, H1:02
Karolinska University Hospital
17176 Stockholm, Sweden